ARC will be closed Monday, February 17th for Presidents' Day
ARC is one of the largest senior services centers in the state of Illinois, offering daily exercise programs and over 50 free activities per month, including art classes, lectures, music enrichment, cards and games, Peace Meal and so much more. ARC is dedicated to providing programs that promote healthy aging. Read on to learn more about a few highlighted programs or check out our monthly newsletter below for full activity and exercise calendars and descriptions of programs and classes on schedule this month!
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M | 7 AM - 11 AM, 4 - 7 PM
T (Beg.) | 7 AM - 9 AM
T (Exp.) | 3:30 - 7 PM
W (Exp.) | 7 AM - 12 PM, 4 - 7 PM
W (Beg.) | 12 PM - 4 PM
TH | 7 AM - 9 AM, 3 - 7 PM
F | 8 AM - 1 PM
S | 8 AM - 1 PM
Pickleball Courts Will Be Closed
W, February 12th, ALL DAY
S, February 15th - ALL DAY
*During the above times listed as Beginner times, south court will be reserved for beginners and those serving as their mentors. North court open to all*
Click Here to Learn More About Pickleball Rules
Pickleball Playbook - Strategies Clinic: S, February 15th, 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Instructor: Michelle Chow (PPR Certified Coach)
This clinic will focus on strategies for the most common situations in pickleball.
Increase your Pickleball IQ so you have tools to play with greater margins, make less unforced errors, and win more points, which makes the game more fun!
This clinic will serve as a very informative Q&A for all your questions!
Open to all levels - learning strategies is a must!
Registration required. Cost: $20. Register at ARC or on the GymMaster Member Portal.
Monday Computer Assistance with George: M, 10 AM - 1 PM
Computer assistance will be led by ARC's own tech expert, George Wilson. George can assist with Windows laptops, Apple iPads, Google Chromebooks, Amazon Firesticks and more. Some areas of assistance include set up and configuration, use of Office products, email, password creation tips, photo saving and sharing, backing up data, etc. Registration for a 1-hour time slot is required. Bring your device with you to your appointment. Register at ARC, by calling 309-888-9099 or on the GymMaster Member Portal.
*One appointment per member per month, unless otherwise arranged with George.*
Friday Computer Assistance w/ Julie Marriott: F, 10 AM - 12 PM
Come and get help with your technology issues. All devices welcome. Julie will do her best to solve the problem and help you leave with a better understanding of how to use your device. Sign ups preferred, walk-ins will be helped if time permits.
Windows 10: Do I Really Have to Buy a New Computer?: W, February 12th, 10 AM
Research shows that most people only use their computers for the simple things in the age of technology. They shop, read, create and print email, check news, the weather, research how-to subjects, find recipes, listen to music, play internet games, create and print documents, sign up for ARC activities via the ARC portal. In reality, very basic activities on the internet.
Microsoft has announced that on October 14, 2025, it will drop its free support of its Windows 10 product lines. Those computers still using Windows 10 will no longer receive FREE software updates (Windows Update), Technical assistance or Security fixes from Microsoft. There are 400 million computers in the world that cannot upgrade to Windows 11. That’s close to 64% of all personal computers, worldwide, not just the United States.
We invite members to a discussion led by our tech expert George Wilson on how that may affect you and your Windows 10 computer. Consumers will be very limited in their options, but there is one free option. George will explain the options as listed below, but will concentrate on the free option, Linux Mint.
Registration is required. Register at ARC, by calling 309-888-9099 or on the GymMaster Member Portal.
“What is M, P and A? “ - Camera Modes with Ray Silva: T, February 18th, 10 AM
A lot of members have asked about the different camera Modes other than Automatic. This program will help them understand how to use the full potential of their camera. Registration required. Register at ARC, by calling 309-888-9099 or on the GymMaster Member Portal.
Self-Care Series: How Relationships & Self-Care Relate: F, February 14th, 10 AM
What does self-care mean to you? Is it really only breathing techniques, exercises and hygiene? Come join Marsha Meiss to discover the ways to relax and learn helpful tips on how relationships relate to your personal care. Find out how to “Fill Your Cup” and not deplete it. Marsha shares in her self-care series how Mental Health Awareness is a vital component to “Preventative Maintenance.” Each of her series topics provide a unique perspective on self-care. When you understand how areas of your life affect your level of self-care and mental health, then you are well on your way to a “Better Version” of you. Some content may be sensitive regarding personal experiences. Bring water & a pen with you. Each topic has 2 segments with a break between. You must attend the first segment in order to fully comprehend and apply the 2nd segment. First segment information is not repeated in the second. Sign up today to learn how relationships relate to self-care and mental health. You Are Worth Every Effort You Put Into You! Registration required. Register at ARC, by calling 309-888-9099 or on the GymMaster Member Portal.
Dementia Conversations: W, February 19th, 10:30 AM If you know someone who is experiencing changes in memory, thinking, and behavior, this education program provides tips and strategies for difficult but important conversations about changes related to dementia. Registration required. Register at ARC, by calling 309-888-9099 or on the GymMaster Member Portal.
Mental Health Series w/ Bruce Boeck: TH, February 27th, 10:30 AM Bruce Boeck is a Licensed Counselor with over 40 years of experience with every kind of population. The topic for February is “Personality.” Registration required. Register at ARC, by calling 309-888-9099 or on the GymMaster Member Portal.
with Torri Thompson
T, February 4th, 10:30 AM
Written records of our lives, events, and experiences are literally disappearing before our eyes. I believe the literal written word is more than worth saving. “Writing is a way of knowing,” a way some of us figure things out. It is a private space, even in the midst of other people and surrounding noise and distractions. Its tools of pens, pencils, and papers are very satisfying physical experiences that slow us down, gives our brains space to think, and our emotions space to develop. Writing/journaling is a gift we can give to ourselves in any number of forms.
This class will provide you with a blank book/journal/notebook, a glass fountain pen, a bottle of ink, a chance to decorate/design the physical space of your journal, as well as a group discussion of how to incorporate journal keeping into your life.
You will create: a personal diary/journal; or a domestic journal that your household all contributes to; or a topic of specific journal/notebook to record your interests in gardening, cooking, the weather, lists of what you want to watch, read or listen to.
Registration required. Cost: $20.IFE: Estate Planning & Wills: W, January 22nd, 10 AM—12 PM or 1:30 PM—3:30 PM
An Estate plan is vital for any individual, couple or family that owns a home and has assets. Ensure that your Estate Planning is in good order by reviewing the various methods families are using to avoid the delays and legal fees of Probate Court. Learn various methods and Best Practices to protect your family from unnecessary legal fees and wasted time in Probate. This seminar is designed to help you and your family avoid the most common costly mistakes. You will learn the following topics in easy to understand terms:
-The advantages and disadvantages of Wills and Living Trusts.
-How Probate Court works and why you may want to avoid it for your family.
-Common missteps by families raising children with challenges, disabilities or special needs.
-Protecting your heirs’ inheritance from lawsuits, divorce and spend-thrifts.
-Why putting property in your children’s names may be a mistake.
-Take measures to safeguard your home from being swallowed up by nursing home care.
-Best practices for naming Retirement Account and Life Insurance beneficiaries.
Registration is required. Register at ARC, by calling 309-888-9099 or on the GymMaster Member Portal.
Caregiver Support: CCSI & The Alzheimer's Association - W, February 5th, 2 -3 PM Are you a current or past family caregiver? Are you feeling stressed, tired, alone, overwhelmed, and/or burnt out? Caregiver support group meetings may be able to help! Caregiver support groups offer not only peer support, but resources in our communities, referrals to additional support, possible funding opportunities, and problem solving. If you feel you need a listening ear to validate what you’re going through as a caregiver, this support group may be for you! Caregiving is not easy and we’re here to help!
Caregiver Support: Sugar Creek Alzheimer's Special Care Center: T, February 4th, 9:30 AM Sugar Creek in Normal, IL offers a free support group for caregivers that assist in the care of Alzheimer's & Dementia individuals on the first Tuesday of every month at 9:30 AM at the ARC in Normal. Talking points covered include conflict/resolution, self-care for the caregiver, recreation activities, the different stages of disease.
Grief Support Groups Led by Kevin Copeland, LCSW, Carle Hospice Bereavement Coordinator. These programs will meet in person at ARC for the month of February.
Women's Grief Support: W, February 5th, 12 PM This group is closed to new members.
For anyone enduring the grieving process who would like to attend a Co-Ed Grief Support Group:
Carle Hospital Coed - Group
2nd and 4th Monday for each month
Time: 5:00-6:30 PM
Place: Chapel at Carle BroMenn Medical Center | 1304 Franklin Ave. | Normal, IL
Men's Grief Support: W, February 12th & 26th, 12 - 1:30 PM Open to members/non-members of ARC, men who are grieving the death of a spouse or other significant person/other.
Veterans Coffee Cafe: F, February 14th, 9 AM Veteran Coffee Cafes with Traditions Health help to identify the veterans among us and support them through sharing stories or just letting them know that their service is important still today. They are not forgotten. Speaker for February is Military & Veterans Advisor Miguel Ortiz.
Parkinson's Support Group: T, February 18th, 1 PM The Parkinson’s Support Group meets on the third Tuesday of each month.
Community Players Theatre Singers: Valentine’s Show: W, February 5th, 1:00 PM
Community Players Singers will share a variety of songs, to get in the Valentine’s Day spirit. Community Players Singers is a group of performers who have appeared in many plays at Community Players Theatre over the years. The group was founded in 2011 and has performed at retirement communities around the area, Illinois State University, and the Marine Ball. Registration is required. Register at ARC, by calling 309-888-9099 or on the GymMaster Member Portal.
Music Theory & Composition: TH, February 6th - 27th, 10:00 AM In February, we will compose music as a group, discuss music theory, and train our ears to detect and replicate chording and rhythmic patterns in recordings.
Our theory topics for the year will cover the following:
1. Numeric chords such as the I, IV, and V primary chords and ii, iii, and vi
secondary chords in major keys
2. The circle of fifths, the V of V chords, and the IV of IV chords
3. Chord extensions like the 9th, 11th, and 13th notes
4. Styles such as reggae, salsa, blues, rock, country, and jazz
5. The seven modes in each key
Occasionally, we’ll bring instruments (or our voices) to play with musical ideas and patterns.
The class is open to everyone, from beginners to professionals since our focus will be to play with music, something all backgrounds can do together.
Registration is required. Register at ARC, by calling 309-888-9099 or on the GymMaster Member Portal.
Music Therapy: M, February 10th, 11:00 AM
The goals of this new, monthly program are to increase social engagement and modulate mood through music activities that involve active music making, receptive music listening and silly songwriting. Members from each trivia team will volunteer to complete a short music-making challenge to ear their team additional points. You will have opportunities to play unique and high quality musical instruments in ways that are accessible for your skill level, while learning about different styles of music, music history and experience. All instruments and materials provided.
February Theme: Love Songs of the 60s
Highlight romantic hits from artists like The Beatles, The Supremes, and Frank Sinatra. Sample Questions: “What song did The Beatles release in 1967 that includes the lyrics ‘Love is All You Need’?” “Which Motown group had a hit with ‘You Can’t Hurry Love’?” Register at ARC, by calling 309-888-9099 or on the GymMaster Member Portal.
Peaceful & Comforting Piano music with Marsha Meiss: T, February 18th, 11:00 AM
Relax with graceful piano music with Marsha Meiss in the Auditorium.
Music Enrichment Program: T, February 25th, 2 PM Music Enrichment with Rita Meland is back for a special program dedicated to the history, culture and music of New Orleans! At the turn of the 20th Century, in the creation of jazz music, one American local loomed largest – New Orleans. The multi-ethnic culture, strong dance tradition and vital musical life were conditions ripe for the development of jazz. We will study the origins of Dixieland Jazz and sing the songs most closely associated with this style of traditional jazz. Hopefully, we can get “Bill Bailey” to please come home! Join the fun as we head “Way Down Yonder to New Orleans” -- everyone welcome!! Registration required. Register at ARC, by calling 309-888-9099 or on the GymMaster Member Portal.
Valentine’s Day Friendship Bracelets with Traditions Health: TH, February 13th, 10:30 AM Established in 2008, Traditions Health offers hospice and palliative care services with compassion. Whether needing temporary palliative support following a hospitalization or new Health diagnosis or needing end of life care, Traditions is committed to quality and dignity. Come join their Account Executive, Caiti Redmond, BSW, for an afternoon of creativity and companionship as we make Friendship Bracelets! According to tradition, making and giving someone a bracelet illustrates friendship and serves as a symbol of strong bonds, love and affection. Make a bracelet for a friend, family member or yourself! All supplies will be provided. Register at ARC, by calling 309-888-9099 or on the GymMaster Member Portal.
Let’s Paint Lincoln!: TH, February 20th, 10 AM - 12 PM Instructor: Dale Evans— A basic portrait painting class using our own Abraham Lincoln as the subject. Photographic materials along with a very easy system to do portraits will make this a fun class. Paper and oil pastels will be provided. If you’d prefer to use another medium, please bring those supplies. Cost: $24. Registration required. Register at ARC or on the GymMaster Member Portal.
Fused Glass Class: Spice Jar: F, February 21st OR S, February 22nd, 9 OR 11 AM
In ARC’s next fused glass class with Connie Dearborn, decorate glass pieces to be attached to the sides of an 8 oz. spice jar. Cost: $30. Registration required. Register at ARC or on the GymMaster Member Portal.
Beading Class Based on arte Wikarika of the Huichol People: T, February 25th, 10 AM - 12 PM Instructor: Torri Thompson—Almost all human cultures have a history of bead art, possibly up to 300,000 B.C.E. Beading is usually imagine jewelry of some sort. However, this class is based on an adaptation of arte Wikarika of the Huichol people of Mexico who create designs by attaching beads, with soft wax, to dried gourds, etc. We will be using this ancient art as inspiration, with much less complex designs, and adhesives instead of wax. You can choose a small, wood box or frame, a wooden plaque, a flat rock, a shell from the Mackinaw, etc. as a base for creating your beaded design. In addition to beads, small paper images, metal charms, Milagros etc. will be available for your use. All supplies will be provided, including patterns, but please feel free to bring your own materials and ideas. No special skills or experience needed, just a love for beads. Cost: $20. Registration required. Register at ARC or on the GymMaster Member Portal.
Appointments at ARC can be made by calling 309-888-9099 and choosing option 2.
Appointments will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Tax assistance at ARC will run Thursdays from 9 AM—3 PM during the weeks of 2/3/2025—4/5/25 and will take place on ARC's second floor. Use west side north entrance to go to second floor.
Services are free to:·Married taxpayers with combined income less than $67,000, Single taxpayers with dependents and income less than $67,000, Single taxpayers with no dependents and income less than $45,000.
Clients will drop off their tax documents at their scheduled appointment and then pick up their returns the following week.
If you are unable to make your appointment, please reschedule or cancel at least 24 hours in advance.
For joint returns, taxpayer and spouse need to attend BOTH drop-off and pick-up appointments for signing purposes.
Make sure to bring the following documents with you to your drop-off appointment:
Social Security Cards or Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers for all individuals on the tax return, Valid Photo ID for taxpayer and spouse, All W-2s and 1099s to document your income (printed only), Form 1095A if you had marketplace insurance, Form 1098T for any college students on your return, a copy of last year’s tax return, bank account and routing number for direct deposit of refund, and any other necessary documents.
All sites will operate with an APPOINTMENT ONLY drop-off/pick-up model
Weather emergency closings will be announced as soon as possible at
Questions should be emailed to:
February 23 — March 01, 2026 • 7 Days • 9 Meals
Highlights: Historic Charleston, Choice on Tour: Walking Tour or Fort Sumter Cruise in Charleston, Boone Hall Plantation & Gardens, Savannah, Choice on Tour: Savannah Trolley Tour or Haunted Savannah Walking Tour, St. Simons Island, Jekyll Island
Click HERE to learn more.
May 12 — May 26, 2026 • 10 Days • 12 Meals
Highlights: Edinburgh Castle, York, Chester, Conwy Castle, Stratford-upon-Avon, Oxford, Choice on Tour: Ashmolean Museum or Oxford Walking Tour, London
An adventure fit for a Shakespearean tale takes you from verdant hillsides to bustling British cities rich with culture. Explore The Athens of the North during your stay in Edinburgh. Train from Edinburgh to York. Enjoy medieval York and its historic Minster. See the Conwy Castle in Wales. Walk in the footsteps of the Bard, visiting the childhood home of William Shakespeare. Personalize your tour with a choice of included excursions in Oxford. See the quintessential sights of London with a local guide. Sleepy villages, grassy slopes, mountainside lakes, and cities built upon layers of history – these are the landscapes of Britain.
Click HERE to learn more.
November 8 — December 6, 2026 • 9 Days • 19 Meals
Highlights: Christmas Markets, 6-Night Danube River Cruise, Vienna, Würzburg, Rothenburg, Nuremberg, Regensburg, Passau, Wachau Valley, Glühwein Party
Click HERE to learn more.
February 2025
Noontime meals are served Monday through Friday and are available to persons 60+. There is a suggested donation of $4.00 for each meal. Participants are served a well-balanced meal containing at least 1/3 of the daily adult nutritional requirements. To make your reservation, call ARC at 888-9099, press 1 and leave a message with your name and reservation date at least one day in advance of the reservation date by Noon. Note: There will be no Peace Meal service at ARC on February 17th for Presidents' Day.
SHIP counselors are trained, certified, and experienced in offering one-on-one information for all aspects of Medicare, health insurance and drug plans. A program of ARC, SHIP provides assistance, explanations, and plan comparisons. There is never a cost, sales, or any insurance affiliations. SHIP is especially helpful for those new to Medicare who are trying to navigate the system and meet deadlines or to anyone wanting to lower current costs and understand options. Help is available by individual appointment at various times each month. Call ARC at 309-888-9099, and a counselor will return your call to set an appointment. Walk-in hours are available on the 2nd Thursday and 4th Monday of each month ONLY. Walk-ins start at 1 PM with no appointment needed and operate on a first come, first served basis. Help is available by individual appointment various times each month as well. Call ARC at 309-888-9099 and press 3 to leave a message for the SHIP team. A counselor will return your call to set an appointment. SHIP is a program of the Illinois Department on Aging. There are no walk-in hours during open enrollment.
Click HERE to visit the official Medicare site.
Click HERE to learn more about SHIP & the Illinois Department on Aging.
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